

See also WebKit Wiki

WebKit is the system framework used on Mac OS X by Safari, Dashboard,, and many other OS X applications. It is based on the KHTML engine from KDE.

Note: Xcode Version 2.1 or later is required to build WebKit. You have an earlier version of Xcode, thus the build will most likely fail. The latest Xcode is available from the web: <>


Installation instructions at Getting the Code

Note that the above instructions put WebKit into your root directory (~/JavaScriptCore/, ~/WebCore/, ~/WebKit/, ~/WebKitLibraries/, ~/WebKitTools/)

Once you have checked out the code, you can update it at any time using the following command:


MacShep:~ jeff$ WebKitTools/Scripts/update-webkit
CVS root is
Updating WebKitTools, JavaScriptCore, WebCore, WebKitLibraries, and WebKit
cvs checkout: Updating WebKitTools
cvs checkout: Updating WebKitTools/DrawTest
cvs checkout: Updating WebKitTools/DrawTest/DrawTest.xcodeproj
cvs checkout: Updating WebKitTools/DrawTest/English.lproj
. . .
cvs checkout: Updating WebKit/WebKit.xcodeproj
cvs checkout: Updating WebKit/WebView.subproj
cvs checkout: Updating WebKit/icu
cvs checkout: Updating WebKit/icu/unicode
MacShep:~ jeff$ 

Run using the run-safari command


MacShep:~ jeff$ WebKitTools/Scripts/run-safari &
[1] 9976
MacShep:~ jeff$ Start Safari with DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH set to point to built WebKit in /Users/jeff/WebKitBuild/Deployment.
MacShep:~ jeff$  


Just remove the directories?

~/JavaScriptCore/, ~/WebCore/, ~/WebKit/, ~/WebKitLibraries/, ~/WebKitTools/

Created and maintained by Jeff Shepherd
This page created: 9/1/05 jks, rendered: 9/8/06
using Radio UserLand and BBEdit on a Macintosh